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重油燃烧器 heating 2锅炉

2024-07-26 11:16:28

一月 2024, 我们去拜访菲律宾客户了解使用情况 重油燃烧器. 客户是马尼拉的一家食品厂, 菲律宾.The 重油燃烧器 is mainly used to heat the factory's boiler.

Heavy Oil Burner Heating 2t Boiler

Heavy 燃油燃烧器可以通过燃烧高粘度燃油来节省能源. 虽然它们比传统的更贵 轻油燃烧器s, 对于长期使用来说它们仍然非常具有成本效益.

Heavy Oil Burner Heating 2t Boiler02

重油燃烧器 are expensive mainly for the 3 原因:

1. The 重油燃烧器 is equipped with a special heating oil tank, which is more conducive to the full 和bustion of heavy oil fuel.

2. 特种液化石油气点火设备. Because heavy oil is 不t easy to ignite, 需要液化石油气来点燃火花.

3. 有特殊的雾化设备,将油变成更小的雾状, 让燃料充分燃烧.
